Alpari (UK), one of the world’s fastest growing online foreign exchange (Forex) trading providers, announces Systematic, a fully automated web-based portfolio-trading platform. Systematic is especially designed for investors looking for an introduction to the international Forex market, offering them complete freedom to trade cost-effectively without substantial trading experience.
Trading Forex with confidence
Investors can use Systematic to choose from 20 predefined and time-tested portfolios and get started right away. Systematic will then implement the chosen strategies on behalf of the investor, eliminating the often damaging emotional impact associated with manual trading. To help investors make more informed and responsible decisions, Alpari (UK) offers account holders unrestricted, free access to online tutorials through its Alpari Academy educational resource.
More experienced Forex investors can also choose from up to 150 time-tested strategies to create and customise their own portfolio. All strategies in Systematic were developed by seasoned Forex traders, and their performance can be traced back to up to twelve months.
Two platforms through one account
In addition and, as an exclusive benefit, Systematic is fully integrated with existing Alpari (UK) client accounts: clients can switch between fully-automated trading through Systematic and manual trading through MetaTrader 4, all through the same account.
Easy access to the largest financial market in the world
The ability to trade currency across global markets 24-hours a day makes Systematic an innovative Forex-trading solution, allowing investors to take advantage of market opportunities without the need to constantly monitor the market.
Today, Forex is the largest financial market in the world, with the equivalent of over USD3.98 trillion (source: BIS) changing hands daily, compared with traded volume on the stock markets of only USD500 billion.
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